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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

alam love ajeng

aaaw.. My friends, alam and ajeng, are really sweet to eachother! finally, alam has a girlfriend and ajeng has a boyfriend!! (not yet) Good Luck guys!! ALAM, PORPOSE HER ALREADY! (??) hahaha.. TOTALLY LOVING THIS PICT!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Buka Bersama

Last night i went to my nephew's with my family. we wanted to end our fast for the day. We arrived there in 5pm, we had to wait 1 hour before maghrib comes. We call it buka bersama in bahasa. i forgot to take a picture of myself and my clothes -___- too bad.. but it was fun though. here's some pictures..

PS; sorry for the bad quality, i'm using my cellphone camera, also forgot to bring my camera -__-


"If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to... there is nothing you cannot achieve"
-Lao tzu

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"
-mother Teresa

Friday, August 20, 2010

Marhabaan yaa ramadhan..

Welcome back my favorite month of the year! i've been waiting for ya'.. the first word that came up on my mind when i heard ramadhan is "FASTING!!" haha. gotta wake up at 3am and sahur, if not i'll die at 12 (not really). it could happen someday -_-"

Things i have to do:
1. Wake up at 3am
2. Tahajud prayers
3. Sahur
4. Fasting (a must!)
5. Waiting for Maghrib
6. Tarawih Prayers
7. get an award from allah -__-"


A Kiss Bye from Jojo


I heart my school!

some snapshots of my friends

wif my bestie.. ayesha nabila kirana! love ya my bestie!

alam and ajeng.. aaaw! so sweet! what a cute couple, dontcha think?

ummm.. 3 words.. alam, you okay? -____-"

alam and serabi (rafie).. raf, stop torturing alam! just kill em already! (??)

left to right: anya, sasha, anggi, keke, laras, prames, intan

jojo and brady, or as we call him.. BEDUG! lol

constantia rosa paticellano, my new bestie! from penabur

nandi, brady,rafie, and alam, as known as seaweed, bedug, serabi, and.. just alam. we cant think of the right name for him yet -___-"

Welcome to PJHS

i Love my new school! President Junior High School.. :*

Opening Ceremony.. cool uniform huh? haha :p

Saturday, July 17, 2010

And The Awards are..

i already promised that i will show you my 4 awards right?? here they are..

my 4 awards.. aaaa.. i can't lose it!

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